The Full Story
Environmental Justice in Topanga
Because of the demographics and historical implications of the Topanga, region, there are some environmental justice concerns that can be made, especially when considering its propensity to burn.

The Topanga Canyon region has a 5.22% poverty rate, its median household income is $128,546 and the average property value is $1.06M. It is also a majority white neighborhood.
Homelessness Banned
In 2021, the Topanga Council decided that it was unsafe for the homeless to live in the Topanga neighborhoods. It was cited that the houseless living there are more likely to cause fires through open flames or be more at risk if a fire does start. This is despite evidence that few, if any wildfires are caused by the homeless and that those living in the area may have more knowledge of the land.

Implications for the Rich
Though a fire may be dangerous for any resident in Topanga, it is likely that the richest will remain unscathed, as their houses are fire safe and they have evacuation plans. Additionally, if declared a Federal Disaster Area, residents of Topanga Canyon will be eligible for a tax break in the case o a fire.
Danger of Burning
Despite ample local Indigenous knowledge, the residents of Topanga canyon have been following fire suppression regulations and have not allowed for controlled burns and have caused a buildup of brush and fire fuel. Because of this, Topanga will burn, and it is likely that it will be disastrous and difficult to control